Usually when you live as a minimalist, you end up spending less. A lot less. Because you are not buying lots of stuff that other people buy. Even though many people become a minimalist to live more freely, or greener, or fight the consumerism, there are many people that choose this life to reduce their expenses.
Yes. Minimalism helps to pay off your debts and reduce your expenses. It helps you get less overwhelmed and more organize. This saving associated with the new learnt organization skill, is a perfect combination for paying off the credit card debt,AKA, "the plastic"
Plastic means
- Cheap,
- Short life, breaks easily
- Low quality, does not work as good
- Discarded easily ( Not repaired), because it was cheap and doesn't work.
- It lands in the landfills.
- Next cheap item replaces it, happy corporations, due to a high sales production
- the cycle repeats
- The earth gets trashed
- No money in our pockets, we have to constantly buy replacements.
The minimalism and De plastic-ing go hand to hand.
Have you thought about De plastic-ing your home?
My pleasure Megan. I am glad I can help. You are right! We have more plastic in our life that we realize. So proud of you for starting this process and good luck on your wonderful plastic free journey.