Related Movies

    Here is a list of movies that i recommend. I have watched most of them and will watch the rest shortly. My kids watched some of them and i believe it teaches them a lot about the world we live in. My kids didn't even know we lived different ( Minimal waster, Organic eater, From Scratch cooker, Biker, Re-user, Water and Electricity conserver) than mainstream American households till recently. To them, our way of life is normal and other people are wasteful and careless.
    Please stay tuned and visit back as I will constantly add links to this page and upgrade the page.
    I would love to add your recommendation to this list. So, please feel free to send me a message with your recommendation.
    Click on the links ( Names of the movies) to either get more information or watch the movie for free. I am constantly searching for free links to present to you, my wonderful readers.

    Thank you

.A river of waste.  ( A great movie showing us how our wasteful way of life can create so much waste of food, energy and resources. Highly recommended)

. Addicted to plastic

. An inconvenient truth

. Amazing Planet

. Avatar ( In this movie, i saw the deep similarities between our corporate system and the bad guys in the movie. This movie helps us to learn about and respect the nature)

. Chasing Ice ( A sad reality that should make us all start changing our way of life.The global warming is happening and is happening fast)

. Climate change: The state of the science.

. Crude

. Death by China ( An eye opening movie about how we, the Americans have became completely dependent to China and it's government, one of the least approved governments in the world)

. Disney nature: wings of life

. Ethos

. Extreme Couponing ( A sad and eye opening reality show about how greedy people can't get enough and pack their homes with stuff, even though they willJ never live long enough to use them. They buy them just because they can get a deal on those stuff)

. Farmageddon

. Forks over knives ( A wonderful movie about the food decisions we make in our life. Loved it)

. Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution ( A nice movie about the effect of food they eat on our children)

. Food Inc.( A must see movie. It truly opened my eyes and change my families life to the better)

. Food Matters

. Frankensteer

. GMO. A Go Go

. Home ( A fascinating and beautiful movie about our planet. Watch it with the whole family)

. Hungry for change

. I Am

. Killer at large

. Mother: Caring for 7 Billion ( A movie about the less discussed problem and very important for everyone to watch)

. Patent for a pig ( A maddening documentary about the world's Patent system and is chilling to see what is happening to our food system)

. Plastic Planet

. Six degrees could change the world

. Surviving Progress ( Loved this one. Very important for the whole family to watch as well.)

. Tapped ( A great movie about our water. Very important facts about the water business)

. The Consequences of Suburbanization

. The story of stuff : Very simple and light documentary. Loved it. Easy for the whole family to see and definitely a must see.

. The world according to Monsanto

. Vanishing of the Bees

. Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price: My children appreciated this one. Very informative and a must watch.

. Waste Land

. Who killed the electric car

. Zeitgeist :Moving forward: By far, one of my favorite movies.Very positive and forward looking documentary. This documentary offers a nice solution to the problems in our world. Must see.


. Lorax: Gotta LOVE Lorax. My favorite Cartoon and it is telling the story of our big Corporations and their hidden power to manipulate people's minds and perseptions about life.

. School House Rock! EART: A new Cartoon by Disney. Very nicely done and it is on Netflix. Includes most of our environmental problems and their solutions.

. Wall-E: A beautiful love story that has a wonderful message within it. Children need to be guided to look beyond the actions in this movie and get the hidden message about our future and the waste we produce.

. Children of heaven: An Iranian movie about two siblings in Iran. A very sweet and loving story. I truly believe every child should watch it to learn to value the life they have.  


  1. I really like your blog and this is a great list! Glad you included Surviving Progress, one of my favorite documentaries ever. I would also add The 11th Hour (2007), Pipe Dreams (2011), and No Impact Man (2009). For children (and adults too!) I would recommend Born to Be Wild (2011).

    1. Wonderful. Yesss. How could I forget. I have watched "No impact man " and liked it a lot. Thank you so much for your comment and suggestion. I will add them to the list and will watch them soon too.

  2. Great list! I have reviewed a few films (in Swedish) on my blog The films are mostly documentaries in English and are tagged "filmrecension".

    1. Thank you Ann-christin. I wish I knew Swedish. But I will definitely check on your page.

    2. Maybe you can discover a new film even if you don't understand ther review :-)

    3. You are right, Ann-Christin;
      I just watched the trailer for "Unseen" . hahah. Loved it. Is it possible for you to add the "Translate" botton to your blog? I am very curious to brows it.

  3. Hi Paris, I admit I am actually afraid of watching these movies after starting with the one on Stuff, that was supposed to be light. Very depressing (and not really new, just sort of filling in dark spots I sorta knew about).

    I am an avid Ted Talks fan ( Matt Riley's "when ideas have sex" being one of my favorites, as well as both Brene Brown's talks). They are so optimistic. My personal experience is, I need the comfort and safety of knowing solutions more than the size or nature of problems. I want to know how I can contribute... Otherwise I have bad sleep and worse days : ). Which is what I love about your blog!!

    All my best and heartful greetings!

    1. A very good and positive point Tess. Watching informative movies for us, people that are informed, can truly become depressing.
      I Believe those movies can help the uninformed though. It has been eye opening to many people I shared them with. I think it is the first step. People need to become informed about the problems. Stop the denial and accept it. Once that stage is achieved, they can focus on the solution. Too many people deny the problem and don't want to be bothered with.
      I am so happy to see you being so positive and enjoy reading your comments. I will definitely check on that Ted talk. I am a big fan of Ted as well.
      Thank you Tess.

  4. Hey! First off, I love your blog! I discovered the Story of Stuff project through your movie list.
    To add to the list, I would also recommend A Sea Change (, the story of a grandfather who researches ocean acidification and the consequences of carbon emissions on marine life to explain it to his little grandson.
    The BBC series Planet Earth is also great!
    Cheers from Quebec,

    1. Thank you Eve for your kind comment. I will definitely check on A Sea Change. Sorry I published your comment so late.
      Have a great day :)
